Prayer Diary
Every month we are updating our website version of our prayer dairy. Every day we have a verse generator.
February 2025
Sat Feb 1st - We remember Brigid of Kildare, abbess and preacher (455? -525?). We pray for church leaders throughout the world. We pray for Christians persecuted for their faith. Looking to Candlemas, remembering the presentation of Christ in the Temple. We pray that we may see and recognise Jesus' Godly presence in the world. Locally we pray for the people of Birwood Road, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.
Sun Feb 2nd – Candlemas. Malachi 3.1-5; Psalm 24.[1-6]7-10; Luke 2.22-40. As I remember saints, who have journeyed before me, Lord, teach me the way of their simplicity: Strength with humility, at peace in the fear of God. May I also go wherever I am led.
Mon Feb 3rd – In this National Storytelling Week we celebrate the art and culture of storytelling. We pray for storytellers; for those who enable us to understand and empathise with others; for those whose gifts thrill, explain, engage and delight us. We pray for children and adults unable to access and enjoy stories. Locally we pray particularly for the people of Blackley New Road, that they may feel the joy and pride of belonging to a community and being valued.
Tue Feb 4th – We mark National Hedgehog Day (2nd) and give thanks for all our wildlife in the UK. We pray for all those species under threat, including our shrinking hedgehog populations. We give thanks for those working to protect endangered species. We pray locally for the people of Boardman Road, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God's creation.
Wed Feb 5th – During this Children's Mental Health Week, we pray for all children living with mental health problems, for their families and friends. We pray for a strengthening of our mental health services, for robust support for schools and families, and for a more welcoming, understanding and supportive society at large. Locally we pray for the people of Bottomley Side, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.
Thu Feb 6th – On New Zealand's National Day, we pray for New Zealanders, wherever they may be. We pray for the diversity of their nation, for all in positions of leadership and for those who are vulnerable. On International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation we pray for all who have undergone this procedure and all who continue to suffer physical, emotional and mental difficulties as a consequence. Locally we pray for the people of Bowker Bank Avenue, that they may sense God's presence with them, whatever they are facing.
Fri Feb 7th – On Charles Dickens Day we give thanks for the social realism brought to the fore as his books reflected the real life of the poor in Victorian England. We pray for all who continue to use their skills in drama, writing, film, documentary, journalism and art of all kinds to highlight poverty and injustice in our own country and round the world. Locally we pray for those that look after our neighbourhood, that they may maintain a safe, supportive, neighbourly community.
Sat Feb 8th – We pray for the people of Manchester, for the council and local leaders. We pray for those involved in our transport systems and maintaining the roads and waterways. We pray for all elected to public office locally, nationally and internationally, that they recognise their responsibilities and the privilege of service to a community. We pray locally for the people of Bradwen Avenue, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.
Sun Feb 9th – 4th before Lent. Isaiah 6.1-8[9-13]; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15.1-11; Luke 5.1-11. The keeping of Christ about me, the guarding of God with me To possess me, to protect me from drowning and danger and loss, The gospel of the God of grace, From brow of head to sole of foot, The gospel of Christ, King of salvation, Be as a mantle to my body.
Mon Feb 10th - In National Apprenticeship Week we pray for apprentices everywhere. We celebrate and give thanks for the work, training and skills made available for young people; we pray for respectful relationships, good work conditions and adequate pay throughout our work force. We pray for those unable to find satisfactory work and pray that our society may learn to better support those in vulnerable situations and those treated with ignorance or inhospitality. Locally we pray for the people of Brightside Road, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community, and their families and circles of friends.
Tue Feb 11th - We remember Caedmon, monk and father of English sacred poetry (d. 680?). Cowherd, poet, translator of the Bible into Anglo-Saxon. We pray for all who use their gifts to the glory of God. Locally we pray for the people of Brookfield Road, that they may have a sense of being cherished, and that they too may feel able to be loving towards others this day.
Wed Feb 12th – Safer Internet Day (11th). We pray for those who promote safe and responsible use of online technology, social media and mobile phones. We pray for protection and education for children in such usage. We pray for all working in the media; for a commitment to truth and fairness in investigative journalism, for a commitment to diversity, equality and accessibility as well as fact checking, quality and range of programming. We pray for those journalists facing danger, covering stories and investigations of hideous crimes and injustice, in efforts to uncover truth and give greater access to information. Locally, we pray for the people of Brooklands Road, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.
Thu Feb 13th – We celebrate the work of scientist Charles Darwin (12th), giving thanks for his contribution to science. We pray for scientists across the world, remembering specifically the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11th) as women strive for recognition of their contributions and equality of opportunity in the sciences. We give thanks for all who live on Brynorme Road, that they may feel the benefit of a safe, caring, neighbourly community.
Fri Feb 14th – We remember Valentine, Roman priest and martyr (d. 269?). We pray for all who feel the lack of love. We give thanks for those who extend their love to those who find love difficult to accept. We pray for families of all shapes and sizes and give thanks for love. We pray locally for the people of Bury Old Road, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God, throughout hardship and breakthrough.
Sat Feb 15th – We look to 16th Feb and remember Onesimus, (d. 95?) slave who ran away from Philemon to Rome where St. Paul was imprisoned. He became an important companion to Paul. We pray for second chances, for opportunities to learn from mistakes, for the gift of mistakes. We pray that we learn the power of mercy. We pray for all who feel still the long, ugly shadow of enslavement and those unable to recognise it. We pray for all trapped by modern day slavery, by controlling and coercive behaviours. Locally we pray for the people of Carr Bank Avenue and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.
Sun Feb 16th - 3rd before Lent. Jeremiah 17.5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15.12-20; Luke 6.17-26. All I speak be blessed to me, O God. All I hear be blessed to me, O God. All I see be blessed to me, O God. All I sense be blessed to me, O God. All I taste be blessed to me, O God. Each step I take be blessed to me, O God.
Mon Feb 17th – We remember world Hippo Day (15th) and the ongoing fight to prevent their extinction by poachers who hunt them for meat and their teeth. We pray for all the big game animals hunted for sport too, all at risk of extinction. We give thanks for the courage and compassion of rangers and educators committed to supporting this wildlife and local diversity. We pray locally for the people of Carrsdale Drive, for a sense of well-being and peace in their lives.
Tue Feb 18th – We pray for peace and justice across the world. We pray for those seeking hope and practising compassion, despite living amidst pain and destruction. We pray for all working hard to enable a real peace in the Middle East, which recognises the humanity, human rights and dignity of all living there. Locally we pray for the people of Castle Hill Drive, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.
Wed Feb 19th – We pray for the natural world. We give thanks for our green spaces, for the wild places of the world. We give thanks for our local parks, meadows and for all that they provide, in terms of habitat, beauty, education, health and wellbeing. We pray for all who work to maintain our green spaces, that we may value them fully and treat them with respect and care. We pray for the people of Catherine Road for their health and well-being, that they may feel drawn to acts of friendship and kindness this week.
Thu Feb 20th – On this World Day of Social Justice we pray for all people across the world belittled, undermined, oppressed and discriminated against through repressive laws, societal expectations or stigma. We pray for the courage to stand up to injustice, to encourage hospitality and kindness, to recognise our own limitations and flaws, and expect accountability in our leaders. Locally we pray for the people of Cedric Road; we pray that they may feel the comfort and presence of God in all they do and give thanks for the ways in which they enrich the community and environment around them.
Fri Feb 21st – We pray for people who are homeless, for refugees and asylum seekers. We pray for charities and organisations campaigning on their behalf. We pray for those providing night shelters, daytime shelter, work and training opportunities, advice and support. Locally we pray for the people of Central Drive, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God's creation.
Sat Feb 22nd – We pray for the people of Ukraine. We pray for a just end to war in Ukraine. We pray for all those who have lost so much in war and violence across the world. We give thanks and pray for all those who work tirelessly to achieve a sustainable peace and a rebuilding of homes, schools, places of work and hospitals. We pray for all that goes into rebuilding people's lives and communities. Locally we pray for the people of Chestnut House Care Home, that they may find the support, and strength they need in their lives, the joy and light of a new year.
Sun Feb 23rd - 2nd before Lent. Genesis 45.3-11,15; Psalm 37.1-11,40,41*; 1 Corinthians 15.35-38, 42-50; Luke 6.27-38. On your path, O my God, and not my own, be all my journeying. Rule this heart of mine that it be only yours.
Mon Feb 24th - We remember Montanus, Lucius, Julius and companions, African martyrs (d. 259) As they endured suffering their unity as Christians was of primary importance. We pray for unity between Christians. We pray for a sense of love, accountability and responsibility within communities and between nations. We pray for the people of Chudleigh Road, that they may have a sense of the comfort and strength that comes from God.
Tue Feb 25th – We pray for all who are suffering, facing debilitating health conditions or mobility issues; for those frustrated by the difficulties of old age. We pray for all involved in caring for others: family, friends or professionals. We pray locally for the people of Claude Street, for their health and well-being.
Wed Feb 26th – We look to International Polar Bear Day (27th) and the challenges polar bears face in a warming Arctic. We pray for all striving to mitigate the effects of climate change, for all those countries across the world suffering the worst effects of the climate crisis. We pray for the will and desire across the world to tackle the climate crisis globally and responsibly. We pray for the courage, the knowledge and the will to play our part. We pray locally for the people of Claythorpe Walk, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.
Thu Feb 27th – We remember George Herbert, priest and poet (1633). We pray for those gifted with words; for poets, authors, dramatists, journalists, orators and comics. We pray for all who are hurt by the careless, destructive or cruel words used by another. We pray locally for the people of Cleaner Crumpsall, and give thanks for the ways in which they help to enrich and support their families, friends and local community.
Fri Feb 28th – We pray for those in the midst of extreme weather conditions, disastrous effects of the climate crisis such as wild fires, flooding, drought or famine, and those whose lives and communities are still recovering from the effects of such. We pray for all agencies and individuals responding to such crises and working to effect necessary change. We pray locally for the people of Cleveland Road, that they may see something of God's love in their lives and in their community.