Prayer Diary
Every month we are updating our website version of our prayer dairy. Every day we have a verse generator.
December 2024
Sun Dec 1st - First Sun of Advent. Year C begins. Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:1-9; 1Thess 3:9-end; Luke 21:25-36. On World AIDS Day we remember all living with and all who have lost loved ones through HIV and AIDS. O Startling God, When we use religion to control you, When we use faith to serve our vanity, When we use charity to save ourselves from meeting those in greatest need, O Startling God, come. Amen.
Mon Dec 2nd – As we enter the season of Advent, we pray for those who find this time of year challenging. We remember those who are lonely, those who are grieving, and those who struggle to find hope in the darkness. May we be bearers of light and comfort to others, just as the star guided the way to Bethlehem. Locally we pray for the people of Rothesay Road, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.
Tue Dec 3rd – During this season of preparation, we remember Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552), whose feast day we celebrate. We pray for all missionaries and those who work to spread God's love across borders and cultures. We give thanks for those who dedicate their lives to serving others and building bridges between communities. May their work inspire us to reach out to those different from ourselves with open hearts and minds. Locally we pray particularly for the people of Sandy Bank Road, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.
Wed Dec 4th – We look towards 7th Dec and the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. We pray for all peoples who have been victims of such past and current crimes. We pray for all involved in rebuilding communities and nations, riven apart through the actions and language of genocide. We pray locally for the people of Saxon Avenue, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.
Thu Dec 5th – On Dec 7th we remember Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor of the Church and patron of learning (339? - 397). We pray for all who work in mediation between factions, who work to bring about reconciliation between people, communities and countries. We pray that we may see that which is of God in everyone. Locally we pray for the people of Sedgley Road, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.
Fri Dec 6th – We remember Nicholas of Myra, early Christian bishop of Greek descent (4th Century). He is the source of our tradition of Santa Claus, due to his legendary habit of secret gift-giving. Another legend has it that he saved the lives of three condemned criminals by stopping the hand of the executioner. We pray for all living under a death sentence; for those who fight for justice and mercy; for those living in countries, where persecution, imprisonment without trial, unfair laws and practice are enforced. Locally we pray for the people of Sefton Street, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing.
Sat Dec 7th – For all who have helped to organise and prepare Crumpsall Community Christmas fair; for all working today, moving furniture, staffing the stalls, ensuring safety, helping with entertainment and refreshment, cleaning up afterwards; for all who will attend the fair; we pray for a smooth, successful and enjoyable event. Locally we remember the people of Seymour Road and pray for their safety, health and well-being.
Sun Dec 8th –Advent 2. Baruch ch 5; Canticle Benedictus; Phil 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6. O Startling God, Expose our strategies of power, Break the childish armour of our fear. Come meet us as yourself, Naked and without defence. Amen
Mon Dec 9th – We look back to 2nd December and the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. We pray for all living still under the shadow of colonial slavery. We pray for all endeavouring to understand and resolve discussions and actions over the need and the possible means of reparation. We pray for all suffering from the current evil that is modern day slavery. Locally, we pray for the people of Sheepfoot Lane, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.
Tue Dec 10th - On Human Rights Day we remember the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres “The Universal Declaration shows the way to common values and approaches that can help resolve tensions and create the security and stability our world craves." We pray for those who are denied basic human rights and all fighting to enable universal access to such. Locally we pray for the people of sheltered accommodation, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.
Wed Dec 11th - We pray for all involved in health and medicine, all working to ensure universal and affordable access to good quality health care and medical services across the world. Locally we pray for the people of Sherdley Court, that they may have a sense of being cherished, and that they too may feel able to be loving towards others this day.
Thu Dec 12th – We remember Jane Frances de Chantal, founder of the visitation order (1572 – 1641). Her order welcomed women rejected by other orders because of poor health or age, in order to give everyone a chance to follow their calling. We pray for all who feel rejected or worthless; may we learn that the value of a person is not dependent on their looks, skills, gender, sexuality, experience or behaviour, but simply on the fact that they are a person, a child of God. We pray locally for shop keepers and small business owners that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.
Fri Dec 13th – We pray for children in schools throughout Britain and elsewhere who will be involved in celebrations to mark Christmas; for all who are not able to attend school for whatever reason; for those who do not look forward to Christmas; for those who feel frightened, alone or unloved. May they experience some kindness and hope this Christmas. May we value the gift of giving. We give thanks for all who attend and work at Sinclair Avenue, for a happy, inclusive, safe environment for all.
Sat Dec 14th – We look towards the our Community Carols taking place on the 18th. We give thanks for the joy, security and welcome that is experienced by families across Crumpsall during our Christmas events. We give thanks for those who enable our events to take place, volunteers, without which a lot would not happen. We pray locally for the people of Solent Avenue, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.
Sun Dec 15th – Advent 3. O Startling God, Come, expose the flimsy glamour Of wealth, ompetence and dominion. Come, give us courage to be ourselves. Meet us and set us free. Amen
Mon Dec 16th - As we remember the holy couple Mary and Joseph travelling and searching for a safe place to stay we pray for all migrants, particularly refugees and asylum seekers seeking safety, welcome and an opportunity to work and be part of a community. We pray for the people of Spring Bank Court Retirement Apartments, for their health and well-being, that they may feel drawn to acts of friendship and kindness this week.
Tue Dec 17th – We pray for organisations, charities and volunteers working to support people who have no proper home. We pray locally for the people of St Ann’s Roman Catholic Church & Primary School and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in.
Wed Dec 18th – We pray for those who live in care homes or nursing homes. We pray for those who work there, for the support necessary in order to maintain a high standard of care and comfortable, safe, stimulating environment. We pray for a society that sees and acknowledges elderly people, that embraces their skills, memories and experience. We pray that they experience the joy of Christmas. Locally we pray for the people of St Mary's Hall Road, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.
Thu Dec 19th – We pray for all who work in shops, restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs and other places that get extremely busy at this time of year. We pray for those troubled by the excess of food, alcohol, buying at this time of year. We pray for those who feel compromised by unrealistic expectations; for those who find themselves in debt; for those not included in social gatherings. We pray for those struggling to make ends meet. Locally we pray for the people of Stanhorne Avenue and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.
Fri Dec 20th – Looking back to Dec 3rd and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we remember all living with disabilities of one kind or another, both visible and not. We pray for their families and the additional strain on so many aspects of everyday living for all concerned. We pray that we may learn to build communities that are empowering , safe, and keen to embrace skills and offer support to all.
Sat Dec 21st –We pray for Christians all over the world meeting to worship together and for those living in fear, who are persecuted for their faith. Locally we pray for the people of Station Road, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.
Sun Dec 22nd – Advent 4. Mic 5:2-5a; Canticle Magnificat; Heb 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45 (46-55). Come then, Speak if you dare for the silenced, Rage, if you will, for the wasted and abused, Soothe, if you can, the wounds hidden deeper than bone. Be born and wail for your milk while your people weep. Be born for the roughshod, Among labourers, grass-chewers and the slack-jawed. Breathe and wait. Breathe and speak. Utter your Word, your tattered, wondrous Word.
Mon Dec 23rd - We pray for all who look forward eagerly to Christmas celebrations; for all who will attend Christmas services at St Matthew with St Mary and within communities throughout the world; for all who find Christmas a sad and lonely time of year; for those who will be without a loved one for the first Christmas. We give thanks for the hope of Christmas. We pray locally for the people of Talent Alleviation Project and all arts projects, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.
Tue Dec 24th - Christmas Eve. We pray for those attending our Midnight Service. We pray that the story and messages of Christmas are not drowned out by the tinsel and sparkle that sometimes distracts. We give thanks for the story of love, for our local community, for these joyful occasions. We pray for the people of Tansley Road, their families and friends, that they may feel part of a community of kindness and friendship, that they may sense the hope and joy of Christmas.
Wed Dec 25th – Christmas Day. We celebrate the birth of Jesus. Joy to the World! As the Holy Child comes to birth Hurry us down to Bethlehem for rejoicing! As the Holy Child breaks into the world Hurry us down to Bethlehem for celebration! As the Holy Child awakes to the needs of the world. Hurry us to his side for transformation! Locally we pray for the people of The Byrons Housing Care, that they may experience the warmth and security of a loving, joy.
Thu Dec 26th – We remember Stephen, first martyr of the Christian community (d. 35?). We pray for all who make a stand for freedom, justice, peace, equality, for the dignity of each person, for basic human rights for all. Locally we pray for the people of Thomas Street, that they may find the support, and strength they need in their lives, the joy and light of Christmas.
Fri Dec 27th – We remember John the Evangelist, apostle (d. 100?). Galilean fisherman, writer of the fourth gospel and three epistles, when he grew too weak with age to preach, he simply repeated over and over the command to love one another; for this we pray. We pray locally for all those that live on Tracey Street. We give thanks for the ways in which they help to enrich and support the local community.
Sat Dec 28th – We pray for those who are lonely, housebound, frustrated because they are no longer able to live the independent life they want. We pray for those living in care homes, children’s homes, rehab units, in hospitals, prisons and institutions of various kinds. We pray that they have access to support, care, help, friendship and hope. We pray too for our friends and neighbours, and for all who feel particularly lonely at this time of year; those who have lost or live apart from loved ones, those who feel they have rejected or been rejected by family or friends. May they know the love and comfort of God. We pray locally for the people of Tyson Street, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their community.
Sun Dec 29th – 1st Sunday of Christmas. 1Sam 2:18-20,26; [Ps 148; Col 3:12-17;] Luke 2:41-end. Through the One who was, and is, and is yet to come, We are a people of promise! We are a people of hope! We are a people of love! Abundant God, Flesh of our Flesh, Hope of our Hope, Water of Life, We rejoice in your arrival; Fulfil our longing for your love. Amen
Mon Dec 30th – We pray for all struggling to live with difficult health decisions and debilitating medical conditions. We pray for doctors, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, researchers and others, involved in medical care and treatment. May God bless them with skills, patience and compassion. Locally we pray for the people of Grange Rd, that they may experience love and beauty in their lives.
Tue Dec 31st –We pray for Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without borders) and all treating people in situations of war and violence. We pray for all working in emergency situations around the world, enabling access to law and justice, to aid of food and shelter; those working to heal people and communities, to rescue livestock and rebuild homes, work places and businesses. We pray for a generous, compassionate world. We pray for the people of Wallbrook Drive that they may be conscious of beauty and hope amidst those feelings of hopelessness and sadness.